Radio Show


I currently host a weekly radio show on local FM radio station 97.7 FM which I call I need to know.   This show, originally designed to promote my law practice, I find success in attracting new clients to the firm.  This can be repeated for a Divine Justice Ministry.   I believe that the internet with access to the platforms such as Facebook, you tube and many others is a great way to introduce topics to persons searching for answers.   While the radio is not a good place to dig deep into the client’s needs it is a good place to capture the imagination.  Preaching in series is another principal  which I find will be a good technique with these clients.

A client that believes he/she is a victim of society, of the system, cannot be convinced in one treatment that they are not victims and that a solution to their dilemma is residing inside of them.  In fact our society appears to value the concept that there is someone to sue or blame  for every possible imagined insult.

I have had clients call my office wishing to sue individuals because words they said offended them. They see every employee firing as a cause of action for discrimination or wrongful termination.  Lawyers blast commercials on a daily basis that you are entitled to be reimbursed by someone else’s action.   Politicians are always looking for scapegoats and looking for sympathy votes by encouraging the attitude of victimization.  Our society is pushing persons away from looking for solutions and happiness from within.  It will be nearly impossible to treat for wholeness, forgiveness and abundance when the weight of society seems to justify their belief in being a victim of injustice. Thus as Dr Toni LaMotta has stated, getting the client to WAKE UP will not be an easy task.

The Task of then having the client clean up  is the next task for my work with the client.  The client must forgive himself and accept that what he did was wrong and the punishment is part of the price to pay to get right with the society, family or friends.   It is part of the solution to forgive and move on but not the only part.   The twelve step approach used by Alcoholics anonymous requires that you seek to apologize to those you have offended.  I too believe that those in a criminal law situation or even is civil law such as divorces, child custody and support, business relationships and so many other require a resetting in the clients mind.  Until that slate is clean, the client will carry the “cross” until these steps are done.   This is particularly important in family divorces, custody and support cases where the hurt lingers for decades and even generations.  Asking for forgiveness and forgiving oneself has a way of clearing the path for beginning anew.

Of course the best part of having achieved these levels with a client is the new beginning, a bright light for them and for those around them.  Everyone has the ability to climb out of the hole they dug for themselves at one time in their lives.  I had a young man stop me in the halls of the courthouse once who was so excited to see me and asked me if I remembered him? I did not remember however he had me recall when I visited a prison in upstate New York and gave a lecture on legal research to inmates at this institution.  I did recall the visit and then he recounted how he went on to become an ardent student of the law and worked in the law library at this institution.  He assisted so many inmates with his skills that he actually made a living within the jail and did this for a period of 12 years.   When released he attended a paralegal school earned his associates degree and was that day in the court assisting a licensed attorney on case pending in the courthouse.     This young man had turned adversity around and not only straightened out his life but was an asset to others, including our society, seeking JUSTICE. Another Young man convicted on a federal narcotics case, in which I represented a co- defendant, contacted me after his release on his attempt to enter a New York Law school.  Three years later he graduated and I wrote a letter of recommendation to the NY state Bar so that he be given a waiver sand that he could be permitted to take the NY bar exam and if passed become a member of the New York Bar.   He did pass and is today a practicing attorney.

There are many ways of describing the process described above.   I like to call it finding your true potential.  No one is perfect and everyone makes mistakes.   The trick to a bountiful, abundant and happy life is knowing what and who you are.  I would like to work with persons who have spent so much time frustrated by seeking JUSTICE or Fairness in all the wrong places.   I know it does not find itself in the system I have worked for 43 years.    Jesus said that the kingdom of God is within us and this is the realization that everyone must come to in order to find peace and the highest self-actualization.

Confronting your humanity, believing in your goodness and that you are a manifestation of the Devine, that you have a purpose for your existence and that you can achieve what you put your mind to is the path.  Trusting that the Divine is on your side and that what happens or has happened is for a reason and our job is to find the purpose behind these life incidents.   Living a purpose driven life, as Rev Rick Warren has stated,  is what I believe the  Divine Justice Ministry can strive for.